Peacock Pain & Injury Clinic

Why Do I Feel Dizzy? Understanding Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

September 27, 2024

Sudden dizziness when you move your head? It might be BPPV.

Have you ever felt a sudden, spinning sensation when turning your head or getting up too quickly? This type of dizziness can be unsettling, especially when it occurs out of nowhere. You might wonder what’s causing these episodes and, more importantly, how to stop them. The culprit could be Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, or BPPV—a common inner ear disorder that affects many individuals, especially those over 50.

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What is BPPV?

BPPV is a leading cause of vertigo, a condition characterized by the sensation that you or your surroundings are spinning. It occurs when tiny calcium crystals, called otoconia, become dislodged and float into the inner ear’s semicircular canals. These crystals interfere with your body’s ability to sense head movements, resulting in sudden dizziness, unsteadiness, or even nausea.

How BPPV Affects Daily Life

For those with BPPV, simple movements like bending over, turning in bed, or tilting the head back can trigger dizzy spells. These episodes may last for seconds or minutes but can have a significant impact on daily life. The unpredictability of vertigo can make everyday tasks like driving, working, or even walking risky and stressful. Many patients also experience a fear of falling, adding to the emotional toll of the condition.

Living with BPPV can feel like a never-ending cycle of dizziness and uncertainty. Fortunately, BPPV is a highly treatable condition, and relief is often closer than you think.

How Peacock Pain & Injury Clinic Can Help

At Peacock Pain & Injury Clinic, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of BPPV, providing our patients with a pathway to recovery and balance. Our vestibular rehabilitation programs are designed to address the root cause of your vertigo—those dislodged calcium crystals in your inner ear. Through specific maneuvers and exercises, we can help reposition the crystals and restore normal balance function.

One of the most effective treatments for BPPV is the Epley manoeuvre, a targeted exercise that guides the displaced crystals out of the semicircular canals, where they no longer cause dizziness. Our team of experienced professionals will evaluate your specific symptoms and create a personalized plan tailored to your needs. This may include not only repositioning maneuvers but also balance exercises to help retrain your vestibular system.

Take Control of Your Dizziness

Living with BPPV doesn’t have to be a life sentence of dizziness and fear. With the right treatment, most people experience significant relief from their symptoms after just a few sessions. At Peacock Pain & Injury Clinic, we are committed to helping you regain control of your balance and live a life free from the disruptive effects of vertigo.

If you’re tired of feeling off-balance and unsure of what’s causing your dizziness, it’s time to take action. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive evaluation and start your journey toward relief. Our expert team is ready to help you reclaim your confidence, restore your balance, and put an end to your dizzy spells for good.

Don’t let BPPV keep you from living your best life. Reach out now, and take the first step toward a stable, vertigo-free future!